87th Convention

NAACP New York State Conference

Thriving Together.

Become a Member.

NAACP units across New York work to change policy to ensure that every man, woman, boy, and girl has equality and justice at every level of this society. We are a powerful network of activists and community leaders across New York, building Black political and social power.


Our Mission

The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.


Small Business Resources

Black Businesses and Innovation is paramount to successfully bridging equity and wealth gaps within our community. The NAACP NYS is working to pool together resources to support black business growth.



“NAACP's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day event will be virtual again in 2022 due to COVID”

“The Elmira/Corning branch of the NAACP will hold a virtual event, entitled “We Cannot Walk Alone,” Jan. 20 to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.”

“Allies in the governor's inner circle”

“Hochul refers to the leader of the New York conference of the NAACP, Hazel Dukes, as her "mom on Earth."“


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This work does not happen without your support.