Criminal Justice.

Equitable dispensation of justice for all

NAACP New York State Conference Criminal

Dr. Divine Pryor

The NAACP advocates for smarter, results-based criminal justice policies to keep our communities safe, including treatment for addiction and mental health problems, judicial discretion in sentencing, and an end to racial disparities at all levels of the system. Disproportionate incarceration, racially motivated policing strategies, and racially biased, discriminatory, and mandatory minimum sentencing will end. Incarceration will be greatly reduced and communities will be safer.

The United States is home to the world’s largest prison population. As “tough on crime” laws have put an unprecedented number of non-violent offenders behind bars in recent years, our neighborhoods feel no more secure.

We pursue police accountability on their treatment of African American citizens, provide legal rights seminars for the formerly incarcerated, and creating a more diverse law enforcement project-training recruits to take law enforcement tests monitoring police body camera implication in law enforcement agencies.


NAACP NYS 84th Annual Convention Criminal Justice Workshop


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